Where is the church today? Can it be that the Church as forgotten their mission and has instead been lulled to sleep? Are we so engulfed with our own selfish needs that we have allowed for evil to push further and to attempt to suppress the followers of Christ? Everywhere we look there are increasing attacks on believers whether it may be soft or harsh forms of persecution.  We firmly believe that apathy has made us callous to the affairs of the Kingdom of Heaven, instead following our own interests and living to increase our wealth or dealing with daily matters of life, not the will of God. 

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The outcome is the following changes:

  • Statutes of Lucifer are being erected throughout America
  • Children prevented from reading their bibles in schools of America
  • People prevented from holding bible studies in their homes in America
  • Street preachers arrested for speaking the word of God in the United Kingdom
  • Church crosses taken down in china including rampant persecution
  • Islamic terrorist groups killing Christians in the middle east by the thousands

So, where is the Church today in standing up against these persecutions and uniting as one Body of Christ? Christ told His followers that persecution will ensue, so this isn’t surprising to Christians.  As a matter of fact, the life of the believer is opposition to the world and to the Satan’s authority.   However, since the model for most countries is a republic, we should not allow for unjust government officials to execute a strategy of anti-Christian policies.  When we remain silent and refuse to be cognizant about our surroundings, to avoid being convicted on acting against these persecutions that are affecting our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

We also believe that false teachings simply create distractions to the true practice of the faith and redirect Christians to simply focusing on their “blessings” rather then equipping the Church to develop a strong character in the faith in order to pursue a life of service to Christ.  Their callousness has sidetracked them from speaking out against the murder of the unborn, and other sins that is rampant in society today.  It seems as though Christians have coward and assumed the fetal position; trembling in fear, worrying that they may offend someone instead of doing what God has called them to do.  For some, they want to simply live their hedonistic lives, avoiding all responsibility to feed the hungry, provide for the needy and protect those that are not capable of protecting themselves

Psalms 82:2-4 (note: all of psalms 82 is addressed to the people by god essentially)

“how long will you defend the unjust  and show partiality to the wicked?defend the weak and the fatherless;  uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

Our lord is victorious, and He overcame death and Satan 2000 years age, therefore, we have victory in Jesus.  Let’s live our lives believing that Jesus is Lord and execute the mission that our Lord has instructed us to do which is to proclaim the Gospel.   Stand for Jesus and don’t be afraid.  A war is waging as the Second Coming of Jesus is near and Bible prophecies are being fulfilled.  Remain strong, confident in Christ and continue to serve Him, regardless of the oppositions.  Amen.