God’s Perspective On Marriage, is a Bible study focusing on the significance of marriage, God’s direction on marriage and why we should take it seriously. Non-believers and believers alike have developed a casual view about marriage.  They don’t think through the importance of marriage and choose to simply live together as couples or file for divorce a few years into the marriage – dishonoring their sacred vows So, let’s look at God’s perspective on marriage and the proper protocol.

First, let’s define marriage. Marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman.  It was first established by god after creation, noted in genesis 3:20-25:

24 that is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

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Notice, the lord says, man (husband) and women (wife), not members of the same sex.  So, why is there confusion about marriage, and why the lack of respect for God’s institution? This is the aim of this article, marriage, what does God have to say about it, to explain the true objective of the forces at play. There is a total disregard and clear agenda to destroy the holy union between a man and women.  This strategy is well orchestrated and has been in effect on a gradual basis.  It started with divorce, then progressed to the concept of cohabitant (where both a man and woman live together without getting married), culminating with same sex unions.   As a Christians we know from Ephesians 6:12 the following:  for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

The evil referred in this verse is Satan and his fallen angels.  Satan’s objective is to destroy god’s creation including the marriage institution.  He is able to carry out his despicable plan by lying, deceiving and leading people astray from the lord.  He utilizes corrupt people in this world under his influence to carry out his plans.  There is an attack on the family and an attempt to redefine it permanently.  We encourage you to take a stand for marriage, be serious about marriage.  Pray to the lord for his guidance and please date with a purpose.  Don’t live together as a couple and put off marriage indefinitely – you are simply fornicating.  Joining as one and enjoying the lord’s purpose for sex is only within the union of marriage. 

Lastly, be vigilant and test every opinion and idea to make sure it’s of the lord.  There are way too many corrupt ideologies dedicated to the destruction of mankind.  Always be in prayer.  Amen