
Illuminating Faith


The New Man and the Actions of the Transformed.

The new man and the actions of the transformed.  This is the topic we’ve chosen as we continue our study in the Book of Ephesians.  We’ll be analyzing chapter 4,...

Christ’s Victory Over Satan

Christ’s victory over Satan, is a fascinating Bible study prepared by Illuminating Faith as we continue with our study series in the Letter to the Ephesians.  This week, we’ll look...

Walk Worthy and Walk In Unity

Walk worthy and walk in unity! These are the marching orders by Paul to the church of Ephesus and to the greater body of Christ.  How many of us believers...

Appreciation of the Mystery

Appreciation of the Mystery, is a study that looks at the serious petition and focus on a key component of the faith as presented within Paul’s prayer to the Lord...

Mystery Revealed and the Dispensation of Grace

The topic for this week’s Bible study is “Mystery Revealed and the Dispensation of Grace”.  We’ll be continuing in our study of the Letter to the Ephesians, looking at chapter...

A New Creation Through Christ

As we continue our Bible study in chapter two of the Letter to the Ephesians, we see a proclamation of a radical idea: A New Creation Through Christ.  According to...

Sin, Satan and Mankind

Sin, Satan and mankind explains the nature of human beings and how Satan exploits mankind’s sinful ways to achieve his agenda.  We will be studying Ephesians chapter 2 verses one through...

Living For God Or Man

Are you Living For God Or Man? If your life played before you like a movie, what would it portray?  Would it attest to a life dedicated to the Lord,...

Salt and Light, How to Permeate In Society

Salt and light, how to permeate in society.  The world has seen an accelerated thrust into tyranny and draconian policies that we believe is a step forward into the end...

Back To The Basics

Back to the Basics, becoming more Like Him is the focus of the Bible study.   We’ll be examining the times we live in, how we can easily be be gripped...

Gifts of the Spirit

Gifts of the Spirit is Bible study dedicated to understanding the Holy Spirit and why the Holy Spirit distributes gifts of the Spirit and how it should be used.  Most...

The Birds & The Seeds

Today we’ll be talking about the Birds and the Seeds. Sounds weird right, however, I promise you that it will make sense in a few minutes. I was led by...

Pentecost and the Importance of the Holy Spirit

Pentecost and the importance of the Holy Spirit is study to evaluate the importance of the day of Pentecost and the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of...

How does preconceived notions cause doubt?

How does preconceived notions cause doubt? In this study we will look at the phenomena that affects believers, regardless of the number of years they have walked with the Lord. ...

How Has Satan Deceived The Church

How has Satan deceived the Church? For many years already, churches in America have rapidly demised resorting to a theology that is based on selfish doctrine rather than a Christ...

Serving The Lord And Building A Strong Christian Character 3 Of 3

Serving the Lord and building a strong Christian character part three is based on moving into the next level of explanation for service to the Lord. Let’s focus on Christ...